Elegant backless dress AYA cut out and braided


Beautiful elegant dress AYA

Magnificently cut and braided entirely by hand.

Long tight dress, with long sleeves.
Large braided neckline and a spectacular plunging backless that will take your breath away!

Because you are unique, and we want you to be even more, we offer you the possibility to choose the braiding of the back of your dress, just give us your selection when ordering.

Made by order specially for you. No matter where you gonna wear it you will look just amazing !

The fabric is a second skin, a very beautiful suede fabrics of very good quality, stretchy and very soft.

All models are handmade and hand cutted. It is a completely artisanal work, so you could say that each model is unique and may therefore have slight differences with the photo, it’s a mark of authenticity.

=======================Processing Information========================
Processing does not include actual time in the mail, so it may take more days once it is shipped to get to you. If you need your order to be rushed, please specify it on your order and choose the EXPRESS delivery.

It’s highly recommended to give us your MEASUREMENTS to check that you choose the right size for you.

===========================Custom Orders===========================
Do you have a very specific piece in mind? Please don’t hesitate to contact us and we can discuss making you that custom piece so you look perfect for whatever event coming up in your life.

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We would love to stay connected with our customers and would love to feature you wearing our products on our social media outlets. Reach out to us at:

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Robe élégante , dos nu découpée et tressée AYA

Robe mi-longue moulante, a manches longues.
Décolleté tréssé et un dos nu plongeant spectaculaire à couper le souffle!

Magnifiquement coupé entièrement à la main en France

Fait sur commande spécialement pour vous.

Parce que vous etes unique!

La matiere est une deuxième peau, un trés beau tissus de trés belle qualité, extensible et trés agréable à porter.

Tous les modèles sont fait et découpés à la main, c’est un travail entièrement artisanal donc on peut dire que chaque modèle est unique et peut de ce fait, présenter de trés légères differences avec la photo, c’est une marque d’authenticité.


Additional information

Weight N/A

XL, XXL, L, M, S, XS

